can you find the best burger on the island? Head to Pauoa Valley,
where you’ll find Burgers and Things, the latest venture from
entrepreneur and restaurateur Elizabeth Hata Watanabe. This woman
always has an idea percolating. And, more than not, the idea grows
into a new, successful enterprise for Watanabe. For each project, she
surrounds herself with experts. Burgers and Things is no exception.
I know what you’re thinking… another burger place? Oh no,
Burgers and Things is not your usual
throw-a-beef-patty-on-a-grill-then-transfer-it-to-a-bun place. The
secret recipe? Elizabeth Hata Watanabe has a flair for turning the
ordinary into extraordinary. And, so do the people she entrusts to
work with her. At Burgers and Things, Chef/Owner
Ernesto Limcaco
cooks up a Wagyu beef, Venison, or lamb burger and places it
carefully on a pretzel, brioche or other exotic bun.
Elizabeth Hata Watanabe | The Road Back…Long, Difficult, but Well Worth it, With Help from the Kindness of Strangers!
At the beginning of a lush Valley, there’s an eatery on Pauoa Road that is tucked into an unassuming building. In fact, you might miss it, if you didn’t know where you were going. Burgers and Things has no big, flashy sign boasting the delicious treats that are concocted from within. But, as you get closer, the aroma of a braised, not grilled, burger will lead you right to the front door. Once inside, three waitresses sporting their “Burger Hero” T-shirts buzz around, attending to a few late-lunch customers. One of those waitresses is 41-year-old Kathleen Waikiki, a transplant from Maui. She greets everyone with a smile. And, after hearing her story, you might wonder HOW she manages to smile at all! She does so, because she now has hope – hope for a future not marred by drugs, or relationships with men measured by the number of bruises on her lean body. “I thought if they didn’t hit me, it wasn’t okay.” She expected to be hit! “ Growing up, I saw my parents fight a lo...
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