Where can you find the best burger on the island? Head to Pauoa Valley, where you’ll find Burgers and Things, the latest venture from entrepreneur and restaurateur Elizabeth Hata Watanabe . This woman always has an idea percolating. And, more than not, the idea grows into a new, successful enterprise for Watanabe. For each project, she surrounds herself with experts. Burgers and Things is no exception. I know what you’re thinking… another burger place? Oh no, Burgers and Things is not your usual throw-a-beef-patty-on-a-grill-then-transfer-it-to-a-bun place. The secret recipe? Elizabeth Hata Watanabe has a flair for turning the ordinary into extraordinary. And, so do the people she entrusts to work with her. At Burgers and Things, Chef/Owner Ernesto Limcaco cooks up a Wagyu beef, Venison, or lamb burger and places it carefully on a pretzel, brioche or other exotic bun. Well done, Elizabeth! Can’t wait for your next venture. Visit website: Elizabeth Ha...
Elizabeth Hata Watanabe - Named Mother of the Year in 2008 by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s HawaiiMoms.com