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Showing posts from April, 2017

Elizabeth Hata Watanabe | Who Has the Time? - 2017

Do you know someone who always looks for a ray of sunshine in a sky full of dark clouds? You know, the person who sees the good in EVERYONE! Well, I’m not one of them. But, I genuinely admire and appreciate them. And, I met a woman who belongs in this category. Despite having three children, ages 12, eight and six, Elizabeth HataWatanabe not only spends time raising her kids to be confident, involved and well-adjusted, she also helps children outside her family – complete strangers!    And, around the holidays, when there were a million extra things on her “to do” list, Watanabe took on a project called Home for the Holiday. This free event provides a safe, alcohol–and drug–free environment for homeless children during the holiday season. It affords children who are in various service programs, such as Youth Outreach, the Institute for Human Services, Adult Friends for Youth, the Next Step Shelter, and Family Promise Hawaii, an opportunity to experience the ...

Elizabeth Hata Watanabe | Cooking Up a New Venture - 2017

Where can you find the best burger on the island? Head to Pauoa Valley, where you’ll find Burgers and Things, the latest venture from entrepreneur and restaurateur Elizabeth Hata Watanabe . This woman always has an idea percolating. And, more than not, the idea grows into a new, successful enterprise for Watanabe. For each project, she surrounds herself with experts. Burgers and Things is no exception. I know what you’re thinking… another burger place? Oh no, Burgers and Things is not your usual throw-a-beef-patty-on-a-grill-then-transfer-it-to-a-bun place. The secret recipe? Elizabeth Hata Watanabe has a flair for turning the ordinary into extraordinary. And, so do the people she entrusts to work with her. At Burgers and Things, Chef/Owner Ernesto Limcaco cooks up a Wagyu beef, Venison, or lamb burger and places it carefully on a pretzel, brioche or other exotic bun.  Well done, Elizabeth! Can’t wait for your next venture.  Visit website:  Elizabeth Ha...

Elizabeth Hata Watanabe | Cookies Anyone? - 2017

Named Mother of the Year in 2008 by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s website, Elizabeth Hata Watanabe gets inspiration for her yummy homemade cookies from her children. She has three – two boys, ages 12 and 8 and a 6-year-old daughter. But, let’s face it, you don’t have to be a kid to be tempted by the aroma of a freshly baked cookie wafting through the air. In her online bakery, , Watanabe experiments with all kinds of flavors and ingredients. There’s a favorite, though - the “Campfire,” which she describes as a “huge chocolate chip cookie on the outside,” but in the center, there’s a s’more-like filling, including marshmallow, graham and chocolate chunks. But, there other tempting treats on the menu, including “Mochi Crunchies,” a savory and sweet treat fashioned from whipped butter and the popular Japanese snack kakimochi; or the chewy Coconut Shortbread; Hapa brownies are dark chocolate baked over a shortbread crust,...